You turned 3 months on February 9th, 2012. Where have the last 3 months gone? Funny enough, February 9th also marked 4 years since Daddy & I started dating. You totally stole the thunder because I didn't even bring up what that date originally meant until we were all ready to go to bed. You're my constant companion. I love singing to you and making you smile. I love when you blow bubbles and the noise that accompanies that.. and I love even more when you mimmic me when I make the sound.
You're just starting to laugh.. but you seem to get the hiccups every time. We are still waiting for that big belly laugh. You're such a happy baby and you have the most adorable toothless smile I have ever seen. :) You get fussy in the evenings sometimes or if you haven't taken a nap, but for the most part you don't cry unless you're hungry. You love when I sing Hakuna Matata from The Lion King (I promise you'll watch it one day- it's one of Mommy's favorite Disney movies) Your face lights up in a big smile.
You are still in 3 month & 3-6month clothing.. but I could probably still fit you in some 0-3 if it weren't for your cloth diapers. You hate tummy time, so you haven't rolled over yet. You hold your head up amazingly well, you have been for weeks.. but we need to get you more time on the tummy!
Daddy reads you a story every night while mommy gets your bottle ready for you. I think you really enjoy that time with your daddy.. you don't fuss, you just sit contently on his lap while he reads.
Landon, you are the most wonderful little baby boy. Your daddy and I love you SO much it's ridiculous.
Mommy <3
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