So can I just say how HORRIBLE I am at keeping up with blogs? I haven't blogged in over a month and Landon has been doing so many new things! He's rolled! He's discovered his cute little feet! He is able to sit up in our laps now without wobbling all over the place! He is amazing me more and more every day. I love this kid so much.
Currently I have him in the Ergo carrier and he is fast asleep while I type this. He doesn't really like to take naps anymore during the day... and he definitely won't take a nap up in his crib. If he naps, it's usually in his swing.. but he is going to grow out of it one day! *sniffsniff* Speaking of his crib, oh boy does he sleep SO MUCH BETTER! I think he especially likes it when it's kind of cold in his room too. Just like his momma. He slept from about 745pm-530am last night, I nursed him, then he went back to sleep until 730! Yay for sleep!
Four month stats: 14lbs 5oz . 25" long. I don't remember the %tiles, oops. I'm going to ask her to write that down next time. She said he's growing great tho! He's currently still wearing 3month (tho they are starting to getting too small!, 3-6month, and some 6 / 6-12m clothes.
We still haven't introduced solids. I did give him a baby spoon the other day and he put it right in his mouth like he would if there were food on it. His pedi said we could start rice cereal at his 4 month appointment, but I have chosen to delay it a bit. I was given a Baby Bullet blender at my baby shower and I'm getting so excited to make baby food! I'm thinking I am going to bypass cereal all together and start with avocado.. but I haven't quite decided yet.
We are getting very excited for the spring and summer. Landon loves bath time (I get in the big tub with him now, he outgrew the sink!) so we can't wait to get him in a pool. We took him to the DC aquarium on our anniversary (It's been 2 years already!) and I think he really enjoyed it. We are also excited to take him to his first circus this weekend, his first baseball game, and his first zoo trip!
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Landon's first ride on the DC metro! |
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Looking at the fishies! |